So yeah...It's been a while.
We...well I just finished finals for this past fall semester. I was lucky enough to only have two this semester. Everyone hates me for it, but I'm okay with that haha. I would have had three finals on top of a paper...but one of my teachers LOVED our class to the max so he cancelled our final and final paper! Good stuff, good man.
Anyway, this past fall was a hard one. My classes gave me a run for my money, I didn't have rugby, and I've realized that I regret a lot of things in my I really miss my friend Keilani. She's currently serving her mission in Korea, and doing wonders there, but I just miss her terribly. As for school, I think I've finally decided what I'm doing and how I'm going to finish up. I'm finishing up my major classes next semester, taking the BOC over the summer, taking my last three GE's next fall, and then graduate next December! Sounds perfect right? Let's hope so.
So let's just say, I'm glad I made it out alive. There were things along the way that helped me through: Las Vegas Ragnar, Halloween Half, seeing Julia and her fam for thanksgiving, a trip to Goblin Valley, among many others. Thanks to those that took part in those. I'm really looking forward to Christmas break and just being able to relax. I'm hoping to fix a lot of things when I go home.