Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Week of Miracles

Let's start out by saying the last month or so has been really stressful. To say the least. I had decided clear back in February that I really wanted to move up to Salt Lake this summer and so I put my apartment contract up for sale here...Clear back in February mind you. I wasn't too worried though, I had time to sell it, and the nice thing was that I already had a place lined up to live in Salt Lake with a good friend!

Other things in my life were going great as well. School was good, working with rugby was still fun, I had a steady job for the first time in a year, and my car was still chugging along. Fast forward to the last week in March...My contract still wasn't selling and I had lowered the price, management wasn't helping me sell it worth a bean, I was so sick of school and just wanting to be done with everything, my car decided to start making weird noises and sputter when I'm waiting at a light, and on the very last day of March...I lost my job. Total blow hole of a situation. Everything was going so wrong but all I could do was laugh. It was straight out of a movie! I half expected a cartoon cloud of death to follow me around everywhere just so it could rain on me. Amongst all of this stink, I had the most calming and peaceful feeling in my chest that everything was going to be okay. I knew with all my heart that moving to Salt Lake was the right thing for me to do, and I just had to be more faithful and patient and it would come. It had to right?

That weekend went by, which was a super good conference weekend, and nothing improved. In fact nothing did for that whole next week. A little side note about conference...One of my questions was whether or not what I had felt was the Spirit telling me to move or if it was just me thinking it was a great idea. Let's just say Elder Scott confirmed my good feeling about it :) Anyway, School had increasingly gotten crazier and crazier. I was literally running around everywhere nonstop until about 5 pm everyday. I had had a few inquiries about the apartment, but no one was really biting. By the end of the week I was so frustrated. Money was weighing on my mind and how I don't have it. I made the resolve that I would go into management the following Monday to beg and plead with them to help me out. I had already gone in trying to use the graduation clause they have ( Guess what? I'm graduating!! Walking in April, but officially in August. Surprise to me too haha) but they had covered all of their bases so that there was no way out for me. Monday came around and it proved to be futile to fight them on it. They basically told me to try harder. I wanted to slap the lady in the face right then and there. Try harder? I have been trying since February. There are faded orange posters in my window advertising it, I dropped my price to $150 a month, I put it on my facebook status every month, I put it on KSL, craig's list, and BYU's off campus housing page too. I even went as far as printing out flyers and putting them on the bathroom stalls on campus. In the buildings that allowed it mind you :) So I was pretty peeved when she told me to try harder. Lady, I have been. At this time I was also going strong with applying to jobs. It was probably the third day in a row that I had done so, but I hadn't heard from any of them.

The date is now April 10, 2012. The start of the good news began with a few phone calls from some of the jobs that I had applied for. Even before the morning was done I had set up two interviews for Thursday morning in Salt Lake! I was so excited. The good news kept coming when I got a text from a girl that was interested in my apartment. She saw the place and really liked it, but said she had a few more places to go but that she would let me know by the next day. I've heard that one before. The next day I was completely surprised to get a text saying, "Hey hopefully you haven't sold your contract yet cuz I'd like to take it." I almost cheered aloud in class! The answer to my constant prayers had finally come! We went and got everything signed over and done with right after my class, and now I'm officially free of this place come next week! I couldn't believe it. I had job potential and I sold my place, all in a day of each other. I am so grateful for the patience and strength that I was given during this time because I could not have done it otherwise.

As I look back on all of the things that happened and when they happened, I've realized that they needed to be done. If I still had my same job I would not have been able to complete a lot of things for school that I was able to without it. And being so crazy busy with things lately helped me get through the remaining weeks of school, which officially ended today :) My last class ever at BYU. It still hasn't hit me yet. And my well maybe someday that story will change.

Sorry for the long post, but that's life right there! :)

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