Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And I'm leavin...on a car ride

So I'm officially leaving tonight, or rather tomorrow morning, at two. We had to literally jam pack our tiny little green car with all of my belongings and my parents stuff for our trek out west.

I've been a serious emotional wreck all day. I got to see alot of my friends today and I would be fine in front of them but the minute they left I'd start crying. haha man I better stop that. It's just weird thinking I'm leaving good ol PA for what seems like forever, to start off on a new chapter of my life out in Utah. It's going to be a loooong time before I see some of these people again and I think the realization just started to hit me today...

But on a more positive note...I'm super excited for college!!!!!! My roommates and I have already planned out our crazy outfits for all of the BYU home games! They seem like really nice could I be so lucky? I'm kind of scared for the singles ward though. Fresh meat on the market walking! yikes! Well thats pretty much it for now...I'll probably give an update while I'm on the road.

1 comment:

Jensen Ohana said...

I will miss you lots but am sooo excited for your adventures to come! I can't wait to read about them on your blog!!! :)

Take care, and call me whenever!