Thursday, November 4, 2010


This semester has been THE hardest one I've had thus far. Who knew getting into your major would be so time demanding and frustrating! I have super early classes everyday, I have clinical that eats up three or more hours of my life everyday, there is no space for me in my classes for my major next semester, I don't know if I should take spring or summer classes, I don't know my assignment yet for next semester and I need to in order to prepare my classes, hardly any of my classes really interest me all that much, I'm tired all the time, rugby takes up a good portion of my life as well, I'm out of town a lot for rugby, I currently am working diddly squat at Sports Authority and not making very much, I have a lot of expenses regardless...the list could seriously go on and on as to why this semester is so rough.

But here's the thing! I wouldn't trade any of it and here's why. I love the people that are in my semester of my major. We got along so well and so fast and we love helping each other out. I love my clinical assignment now and the girls that I get to hang out with everyday. My instructor is also really good at teaching us new things so it hardly gets boring. I also get free clothes from it so who can complain about that? I LOVE LOVE rugby and would never trade it for anything. I often think about what my life would be like if I had never joined and I can honestly say it would have been boring and sucked. Well, ok it wouldn't have sucked but it would have been bland. My job at Sports Authority has been one of the greatest jobs I've had thus far. I wish I could work there more and make the money that I need to, but I'm ok with it right now. I'm glad I kept the job there so that I could work more if I wanted to, and when I want to. The people there are so fun and great that it doesn't even matter that I'm making a half hour commute to work. Earlier I listed off a bunch of really negative things about this semester that have been driving me crazy, but really they are all blessings in my life. I know that if I just put all my trust in the Lord that things will work out. Everything happens for a reason right? Sure does :)

So a quick everyday life update...This last weekend my team and I traveled to Palo Alto, CA to play in a rugby 10's tournament. There were two pools so we entered two teams to see how good we could do and to gain more experience for everyone. We played some really good teams and had a lot of fun. I went in a lot as scrumhalf and it was AWESOME!! I got a few good hits on people, and they got a few on me haha. Even a nice try zone pole got a good hit on me! Anywho, so both of our teams were seeing a lot of success and doing really well. Turns out we did so well that we played each other in the championship game! Haha. So basically we went to Stanford, handed them a good butt whooping game (47-7 loss for them) and then turned around and took first and second at THEIR tournament. haha. It was a great feeling. So yeah, it was a very successful weekend for both teams. Our second team consisted of a lot of our new girls and they did SO well!! I was so impressed with how they played and held their own. I'm so proud of them!
This past Tuesday I had the opportunity to see Lady Antebellum in concert with my friend Janelle! It. Was. Awesome!!! They are such good performers and sound so good live. The girl in the group has some interesting (questionable?) dance moves and we loved to make fun haha, but it was seriously so good. We got there pretty early so we ended up pretty close to the stage, but we had to stand there for hours!!! Playing go fish/war/games you make up while standing can get interesting haha. At one point in time, Janelle left to go to the bathroom and I stayed to save our spots in the crowd. While there, the girls standing to my right got into a fight! It was so funny...but not at the same time. Fighting is wrong. Haha anyways, the girl in the front was mad because she felt like the girl behind her was pushing her and it got all heated, f words were flying, there was a little pushing, but that was it. No fists today! It made for an interesting evening though. To add to the evening, as we were trying to leave the venue and get to our car, we realized we couldn't...because there was a train blocking our way! Somehow and for some reason a train just stopped on the tracks and we had to wait a little bit for it to start up and move off the road. It was great.