Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring term, rugby, and hotel rooms...

Spring term officially began this morning at the ripe 'ol time of eight o clock. I had the privilege of sitting in a class for two hours and learning about the bones in our bodies. It was great! There are about five of us that are taking it this semester that are in my semester of the athletic training program so we have a pretty good time. I think it will be a pretty good semester though.

Now rugby...we leave for Minnesota this Thursday to play in Blaine for the sweet 16 and hopefully the elite 8 as well. First up is UCLA and then most likely we would be playing Navy. We are all pretty excited and nervous. The end is so close! We are pretty excited to just travel there haha. Somehow they managed to get us all on the same flight. Plus, we got new warm ups so we will be looking pretty legit! We're hoping for a successful weekend :)

As for the hotel room...Last week, as some know, was finals week here at BYU. So we are all done and going home and all that nice stuff. Well, some of us are actually staying and we unfortunately have to deal with the ugly monster that is student housing. For some reason, BYU can't seem to master not having any lag time in between moving out and moving into another place. It's never been a problem in the past and I thought it wouldn't be this year either. Turns out I wasn't able to move in when I needed to, but I did have to move out of my old place. A long story short, My new landlord was told a few different things from the current tenants and now they aren't moving out until sometime this week. That left me with about five nights of no place to be. The first few nights my friend Janelle helped us out and we were able to stay at her place and spend Easter with her and her family. The remaining nights we are spending in a hotel in Springville. It basically white trash USA, haha, but it's a place to be for now. We are hoping I can move in tomorrow and that everything will be squared away. No hard feelings towards the new landlord though, it wasn't her fault at all. Anyways, happy Spring!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The end is near...

Of the semester that is!

We only have about two weeks left and I can't wait! Unfortunately, spring and summer term are just around the corner, but I have faith that they won't be nearly as taxing or emotionally consuming as full length semesters are. I can't wait for full on springtime/ summer to come! Even though I'll still be tied down by schooling and a job (hopefully) the feeling of freedom will still be there :) Speaking of the job...I talked to the Sports Authority here in Orem and they said they would be hiring for someone in the apparel section in the next couple of weeks! The manager told me to apply and he would hold onto my application. Hopefully my time at the South Jordan store will give me some kind of leg up. I also applied to work summer camps that BYU puts on for kids around the nation. I have yet to hear back from them but that would be such a good working experience if I could get that job. I don't see it working out as well with my schedule, but I can still hope right?

As for the other main ingredient in my life...rugby...We had the first round of playoffs here in Provo last weekend and we blew both teams out of the water. We are gearing up this next week to travel to California and take on UC Davis and most likely Stanford. I feel like this is our year! Sadly, one of our games last weekend was during a session of conference, but we were able to watch the Saturday morning session together as a team. I just love how different this team is compared to any other that I've been on. I've always been the only member on a team in high school so to have an entire team that believes in the same things as me is truly incredible. When we travel to California next weekend we are planning on attending the Oakland Temple together. This will be the second time we've done that as a team and I love that we set time aside to think about the things that truly matter. Going back to conference, one of my favorite talks was given by President Uchtdorf Sunday morning. I love how he focused on receiving revelation and how we don't have to have experiences like Psaul or Joseph to believe and be converted. Most of us just need little steps of faith. Also, I loved when he said that we can become an answer to someone's prayers, and in the meantime we can answer our own. Anyone have any favorites they'd like to share?

So yeah, that's what these next two weeks are looking like...some rugby love and a little school time crunch all finalized with a touch of moving out of Belmont. I'm actually pretty excited to move out. I've been here for two years now and I think it's about time to move on. At first I was trying to find a place to stay with two of my roommates from freshmen year, but they were taking a little longer than I had wanted so I took things into my own hands. I'm moving into a house that is owned by a friend's parents with people that I've never met. The only other time I can say I've done that is when I moved into my freshmen dorm three years ago. It will be an interesting experience I'm sure. I'll miss my roommates though.

That's all for now!